Kerja Kosong Sime Darby Berhad
Permohonan adalah dipelawa kepada warganegara Malaysia bagi mengisi kekosongan jawatan di Sime Darby Berhad seperti berikut:-
1. Senior Executive, Academic
2. Medical Lab Technologist
3. Executive, Corporate Finance
Dan permohonan online
Quite simply, we look for individuals who are passionate and thrive on working in an atmosphere of diversity and high-performance. We look at individuals who yearn to be a part of building nations, creating economies and bringing a difference to the environment and society that we live in. We are excited to attract, motivate, develop and engage our talents to become outstanding professionals and dynamic citizens of the world who embraces our values of integrity, respect and responsibility, excellence and enterprise.
Tarikh Tutup Permohonan:- 10 April 2015
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